Troubleshooting - User Interface



Main Window

Problem Solution / Likely Cause
VISRAD does not start up, even though it has started previously on this platform. The user preferences file (.visradrc) may be corrupted. This file is located in the user's "home" directory. Try renaming or moving the .visradrc file to another location.
Viewing controls are not seen in the Main Window. Showing/Hiding the Viewing Controls is set in Preferences (see Setting Preferences)
When using Viewing Controls in the lower-left portion of the Main Window, the rotations do not appear to be consistent with the Rotation Coordinate System. Mouse-controlled rotations and/or translations may have also been performed (using the and buttons). Reset the mouse-controlled rotation/translation values by right-clicking on their buttons (see Main Window Viewing Controls).
Poor rendering of objects in the Main Window Graphics. Rendering of polygons is performed using OpenGL graphics using perspective projection. Several parameters affecting the rendering quality can be adjusted in Graphics tab of the Preferences Dialog. OpenGL rendering is also affected by the graphics cards on individual computers.
Color bar overlay in Main Window Graphics does not display when attempting to display it using the Show menu. Color bar may be off the current viewing area. Try maximizing the window to see if it appears. Also, the color bar position can be reset by right-clicking in the Main Window Graphics, and selection Graphics Decorators/Labels | Reset Color Bar Position.
See Also: Main Window Viewing Controls




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